are committed.
Our responsibility
and sustainability
Our commitment to health and wellbeing goes beyond delivery
As a company, we are committed to ensuring that interaction with and between our employees is respectful and fair, and that the environment is treated responsibly.
This is why we also embrace responsibility that goes beyond what we do as a company.

Sustainability report
Fruchtimport vanWylick Group is deeply committed to its employees, the environment and society.
It goes without saying that as a medium-sized enterprise, vanWylick aims to be economically profitable. However, in order to achieve this and to ensure success in the long term, we are also aware that we need to deal with resources, employees and business partners in a fair and reliable manner.
For us, sustainability means operating responsibly and with a view to the future in the interests of all our stakeholders.
This principle is an essential component of vanWylick's corporate culture. In order to document and quantify the development of our entire organisation in this respect, the Sustainability Report was first produced in July 2014 and will be subsequently updated at regular intervals.
At the same time, this means that developments in significant areas can be assessed with the help of the key indicators listed.
Quality standards are our top priority
We see it as our mission to provide people with natural, healthy and great-tasting produce.
And it is our goal to ensure that value is created in a sustainable way: the best products combined with the highest level of safety for our customers.
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH’s CSR policy
Our CSR policy is based on the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management and the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Human Rights Policy.
We abide by values
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH is owned by Fyffes Limited Dublin and Fyffes Limited Dublin is part of Sumitomo Corporation. As partners, we adhere to this Policy and share the values articulated within it. We expect our contractual partners to comply with these provisions when they work for or act on behalf of Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH.
For this reason, the policy forms part of any contract concluded with third parties.

Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH states in its management principles that it seeks to be a contributor to society and places the utmost importance on maintaining the highest respect for the individual.
We have a social responsibility
We respect human rights in order to meet our corporate and social responsibility and strive to achieve sustainable growth in partnership with society.
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH respects the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, which promotes shared values using its own management principles, including those concerning human and labour rights. We also respect the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and operate in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH strives to ensure that all managers and employees across the company fulfil their responsibility to respect human rights.
Furthermore, we encourage our suppliers and business partners to adopt, integrate and apply this Policy so that we can work together to fulfil our social responsibilities, including respect for human rights across the relevant value chain.
By applying human rights due diligence practices, Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH strives to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse effects on human rights.
If we learn that our company’s practices have caused or contributed to a harmful effect on human rights, we will seek to take appropriate steps to rectify the situation.
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH complies with all national and regional laws and requirements that apply to the company’s business activities.
If these laws and requirements are incompatible with internationally recognised human rights, we will endeavour to take action to uphold international norms on human rights.
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH will attempt to improve and advance human rights measures by engaging and entering into a dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH will provide appropriate training for managers and employees throughout the Group in order to ensure that the Human Rights Policy is understood and enforced effectively.
We expect our suppliers and business partners to do the following:
- Prevent forced labour, child labour and the payment of unjustly low wages
- Not engage in discriminatory employment practices
- Respect the right of workers to associate freely to ensure open and fair negotiations between social partners.
- Provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment
- Den Mitarbeiter:innen sichere und gesunde Arbeitsumgebungen bieten
- Protect the global environment and pay due consideration to biodiversity
- Ensure the quality and safety of products and services
- Ensure fair business dealings, comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and prevent extortion, bribery and all other types of corrupt business practices
- Ensure adequate information security
- Work with members of the local community to foster sustainable regional development. Provide information on the points listed above in a timely and appropriate manner.
General Law on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG)
- Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG)
- Law on the Temporary Employment (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz – AÜG)
- Federal Holiday Entitlement Act (Bundesurlaubsgesetz – BUrlG)
- Continued Payment of Remuneration During Illness Act (Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz – EFZG)
- Protection against Unfair Dismissal Act (Kündigungsschutzgesetz – KSchG)
- Minimum Wage Act (Mindestlohngesetz – MiLoG)
- Act to Combat Undeclared Work and Unlawful Employment (Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfungsgesetz – SchwarzArbG)
- Act on Part-Time Work and Fixed-Term Employment (Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz –TzBfG)
- Occupational Safety Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz – ArbSchG)
- Working Hours Act (Arbeitszeitgesetz – ArbZG)
- Youth Employment Protection Act (Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz – JArbSchG)
- The Workplaces Ordinance (Arbeitsstättenverordnung)
Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH expects that all contractors adhere to minimum social standards for their employees:
- National law provisions shall be complied with.
- Regular working time is eight hours per day.
- Where accommodation is provided:
- Type of room: Apartment, not a hotel-type room.
- Max. two-bed room
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Rents must be comparable to the local average.
- If the accommodation is classified as “work accommodation” (property owned by the contractor), Fruchtimport vanWylick shall be permitted to inspect the premises upon prior notification.
- Where transportation is provided:
- Cost participation charged to the employee must be comparable to prices charged for public transport.
Fruit and vegetables are not only tasty, natural products, but also contribute to a healthy lifestyle and personal well-being.
That is why we have been involved in a number of projects for some time.
5 a Day
The objective behind the 5 a Day (5 am Tag) campaign is to increase the daily intake of fruit and vegetables to at least 650 grams.
Several scientific studies show that people who eat a lot of fruit and vegetables are less likely to fall ill with typical lifestyle-related diseases.
The German 5 a Day campaign is a registered non-profit association. Public health is also a matter of great concern to us, which is why we support the 5 am Tag association through our membership.
Seit 2012 rettet die foodsharing-Bewegung täglich tonnenweise gute Lebensmittel vor dem Müll.
Wir verteilen sie ehrenamtlich und kostenfrei von privat zu privat im Bekanntenkreis, der Nachbarschaft, in Obdachlosenheimen, Schulen, Kindergärten und über die Plattform foodsharing.de. Öffentlich zugängliche Regale und Kühlschränke, sog. „Fair-Teiler“, stehen allen zur Verfügung. Inzwischen engagieren sich über 130.000 Menschen ehrenamtlich als Foodsaver*innen, indem sie überproduzierte Lebensmittel abholen und verteilen. Das geschieht kontinuierlich über 6.000 Mal am Tag bei über 13.000 Kooperationspartnern.
Ärzte ohne Grenzen (Médecins sans Frontières – MSF)
The humanitarian and medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières campaigns for high-quality and efficient health care in particularly vulnerable countries.
The organisation primarily works in the medical field, but also distributes aid and food, such as fruit and vegetables.
Kompass D
Kompass D began as a business initiative in the city of Neuss and the Rhine region and supports the integration of young immigrants from conflict countries.
By means of targeted support, young people between the ages of 15 and 18 are given the opportunity to secure an apprenticeship.
Jugendliche und Erwachsene werden zusätzlich zum Schulunterricht individuell gefördert, um ihnen neue Perspektiven aufzuzeigen. Hinter dieser Idee steht auch vanWylick.
Code of Conduct
Respect and
vanWylick's Code of Conduct
In order to regulate vanWylick Group's business activities both within and outside the company, management has drafted a Code of Conduct which is binding on all employees.
It is based on Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH’s mission statement and business principles, which are founded on partnership, respect and openness.
German Fruit Trade Association (DFHV) Code of Conduct
vanWylick has pledged to adhere to the German Fruit Trade Association (DFHV) Code of Conduct on Social Standards and to enforce it among its suppliers:
- Prohibition on forced and child labour
- No discrimination
- Compliance with internationally recognised health and safety standards
- Workers’ rights to organise freely, etc