Fruchtimport vanWylick fosters employees’ language skills

It is not only the expertise that new employees add to the company that is important. The experience and skill set of our established staff – some of whom have been with us for many years – is of great benefit to vanWylick. In order to foster these colleagues’ skills and invest in their professional growth, we have set up a professional training programme together with the language school Berlitz. As well as looking at things from a purely linguistic point of view, it goes without saying that cultural factors also play a role, so this why we support networking within the company in the same way.

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Food-Scanner zur Bewertung des Reifegrads

In einem kooperativen und vom QS-Wissenschaftsfond geförderten Forschungsprojekt zwischen der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf und Fruchtimport vanWylick GmbH wurde die Eignung und Vorhersagegenauigkeit zerstörungsfreier und mobiler NIR-Food-Scanner

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